Featured: How to Write a Book

Dear Friends,

So excited! I was just interviewed for Lisa Tener's blog on How-to-Write-a-Book.com. Lisa Tener is an Award-Winning Book-Writing and Publishing Coach with an amazing following full of writers and industry insiders. In this Q&A session, I share details of my book writing adventure and give an inside look on how I began to create and finish a project I've held dear to my heart for so long. 

Follow this link to read all about it.

And while you are there check out the right-hand margin, where you can sign up for Lisa's Inspired Author Support Kit--it's free. In addition to Lisa's author interviews on that site, feel free to search Lisa Tener's Writing Blog where she promises to answer your book writing and publishing questions! I know there are more of you out there who want to write a business book, story book or other project. Lisa is an amazing resource as she was to me in the writing of my book. I did it. You can too!
